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Course 4: Whole PictureLesson 3: Calculators to Use

College Needs Calculator

HGI Calculators

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Financial Calculators

Financial Mobile Apps

What to Say


Course 2 : What to Say (and Not to)

Approach & Contact

Refer to Page 16 in Leadership Format Book to qualify the prospect list, become uncomfortable and get ourselves ready for many scenarios.

Can I talk to your friends in your meeting? Your conviction is important in having the conversation with a friend.

Master the conversation – and prepare for their conversations.

Don’t create your own system, follow the BOP provided. SOP are included in BOPs. Let them filter if they want to do the business.

This is a highly evolved system, dont follow the blue lines and create your own pathways.

FB – Field Builder

How to handle prospects and do the approach and contact and talk to people

Link to google drive:

Course 1 : Approach & Contact